Tennis together at home - Volleys
What tennis shot do you miss hitting the most? I LOVE to volley! Here is my Tuesday tennis tip to help you with your volleys.
Doubles Triangle Dance
Here is the "Doubles Triangle Dance' It is a great drill to help you improve your poaching/intercepting. it will also help you to learn...
Listen to Claire's "Best of 5" tennis tip podcast
I had the opportunity to make a podcast yesterday & I wanted to share it with you all. It includes 5 of my Best tennis tips. 1: At home...
Sunday Funday Fitness
Sunday Funday Fitness. Hit with a foam ball against the wall to help develop your racket head speed. Alternate your shots between...
Rebo 100 Club Challenge
Do you want to keep moving but not sure how? Take on the Rebo 100 Club Challenge. 100 Shots with any ball on any wall. Just hit, kick or...
Tennis together at home #2
Need your tennis fix while stuck at home? Try out these fun activities
Tennis together at home #1
Hello tennis friends & family, What a week it has been! All around the world due to Coronavirus so many changes have been happening such...